
Schedule | Registration | Fees | Application for funding


Art of Play
Saturday, 10am – 12pm

Saturday, 12pm – 7pm

For specific timing and details of the respective classes – guitar, keyboard, ballet, urban dance, theatre and visual arts, please contact us.


Art of Play registration opens in October (for January intake) and April (for June intake). Ad-hoc registration is available depending on class availability. Registration fee of $21.40 (inclusive of GST) and Academy rules apply.

To register, please download the form here.

Please send the completed form with the necessary documentation to:
The Little Arts Academy
North Campus I
930 Yishun Avenue 2
Northpoint City #03-38 North wing
Singapore 769098


Art of Play

Urban Dance: $220/term
Music – Keyboard: $250/term
Music – Guitar: $250/term
Visual Arts: $250/term
Theatre: $300/term
Tech + Art: $320/term

Performing Classes
Vocals: $250/term
Ukelele: $250/term
Percussion: $250/term

GST changes apply
Download e-brochure

Application to The Business Times Budding Artists Fund

Children and youths between the ages of six to 19 years old under MOE Financial Assistance Scheme may apply to The Business Times Budding Artists Fund to receive funding in full for arts training at The Little Arts Academy and 10 Square Youth.

Applicants must be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents.


1 A Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident
2 Aged between six and 12
3 Applicant’s family has a gross monthly household income that does not exceed $2750 or $690 per capita
4 Full-time student receiving formal education
5 Or residing in a welfare home or a similar organisation for the less privileged

To apply for The Business Times Budding Artists Fund, please download application form here.

Please send the completed form with the necessary documentation to:
The Little Arts Academy
North Campus 1
930 Yishun Avenue 2
Northpoint City #03-38 North wing
Singapore 769098

All applications are subjected to approval. For enquiries, please contact us.